Friday, June 15, 2012

Celebrating Successes, Seeking Opportunities

Arizona Housing Alliance was hard at work this legislative session. We were successful ensuring the continuation of the Arizona Department of Housing for another 5 years. And we will continue the fight to prevent the last minute legislative budget sweep of $50 million from the $97 million mortgage settlement trust fund. 
One thing is clear from this last session. There is much work to be done in educating our elected officials about the housing needs of Arizonans and the state's role in alleviating these needs.
Whether it's helping them to understand the work of homeowner counselors, the effect of foreclosures on neighborhoods and communities, the lack of affordable rental housing in rural areas, or the overall shortage of decent housing for low income families and seniors, we all must become housing educators. 
2012 is an election year. This means there will be many opportunities to talk to candidates about affordable housing. 
Let's celebrate our successes, take advantage of all educational opportunities, and continue to work together to support policies and resources that ensure every Arizonan has quality housing that they can afford!